Click here for a FREE Tax Consultation
and/or IRS Check-Up
Or Contact Us through Phone, Email or Fax.
Toll-Free: (866) 573-3755 Email: rpeart@ctctax.com Fax: 303-573-3766
​Local: (303) 573-3755
We are available 24 hours a day by email or from 9:00am to 5:00pm Mountain Time by telephone.
11:00am-7:00pm (Eastern) 10:00am-6:00pm (Central) 8:00am-4:00pm (Pacific)

Colonial Tax Consultants, LLC
2000 S Colorado Blvd, Tower 1, Suite 2000-425
Denver, CO 80222
Our FREE IRS Tax Consultations are Available to Anyone Having IRS-Related Tax Issues!
Every Tax Consultation includes the following services:
FREE Confidential IRS check-up! We will review your IRS account in a confidential manner to confirm all issues on account and make sure nothing is being missed that needs to be contained within the resolution of your pending tax issues.
FULL written analysis including breakdown of all balances owed, status in collections, and missing returns that need to be filed, and confirmation of collection statute expiration date (CSED) for each liability.
NO RISK and NO OBLIGATION simply because we take the time to full evaluate you issues and confirm steps that can be taken to resolve your particular set of tax troubles.
By utilizing these free services you will, in the very least, know what resolutions are available and which is most applicable to your particular situation.
Request a Free IRS
Tax Consultation
(100% Confidential)
For Immediate Assistance, Call
(866) 573-3755
Expect a Real Consultation...
NOT a High Pressure Sales Pitch!
Ask Questions or tell Rick what's going on via email rpeart@ctctax.com
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