These are your only options:
How Do I Get an IRS Levy Released?
​There are several ways to get an IRS levy released. In general, you are going to need to either prove that the levy will cause you and your family an undue economic hardship or you are going to have to propose an alternative to the levy.
The IRS is not going to want to willingly release the garnishment as they know they are now able to collect on a delinquent tax debt. You do have rights when it comes to the IRS and we can make sure you are no longer under the mercy of the IRS.
Call us or request a Free Consultation and we can let you know how to get the IRS to release the garnishment and how quickly it can all be done.
Typically, we can have a levy release issued to your employer prior to your employer issuing your next paycheck! We just need to understand what's going on so we can advise you properly.
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Option #1: Enter into Formal Resolution to get an IRS Levy released
The IRS doesn’t want to limit their ability to collect on unpaid taxes. However, if you can propose a viable alternative to the IRS levy and show the IRS how you intend to resolve your balance due, they will usually release the levy. This can include entering into a payment plan, filing an Offer in Compromise, requesting currently not collectible status, or other resolution plans.
Before you can propose a resolution to the IRS, you are required to have all of your back tax returns filed. Therefore, preparation of any missing tax returns is your first step towards releasing an IRS levy.
The IRS will also require a full financial disclosure in order to consider any resolution strategy, in most cases. So the second step will be to complete a financial statement. This financial statement is used to prove to the IRS whether you qualify for a payment plan, offer in compromise, or currently not collectible status.
Again, regardless of how bad your situation may be, we can always have a levy released within the matter of a few days. It all just depends upon whether we need to file Missing Returns and how extensive the balances are going to be once the Returns are filed.
We will confirm all Returns needing to be filed and obtain all tax documents to file these Returns within 24 hours. All you need to do is contact us. This is all part of our Free Consultation!
Option #2: Prove Undue Hardship to get an IRS Levy released.
To get an IRS levy released by proving hardship you will need to provide substantial and convincing proof that the IRS levy is causing an undue hardship. The main obstacle in this is that the IRS usually wants to see that it is causing an economic hardship right now, not that it will in the future.
This means that the IRS may wait to release the levy until you can provide past due notices, eviction notices, or utility shut-off notices. By the time you are receiving these kinds of notices, the IRS levy has likely done enough damage that recovery will be extremely difficult.
Because the IRS usually will not accept an argument that the levy will cause economic hardship in the future, this is generally not the preferred method of getting an IRS levy released.
If you own a business under IRS levy you may be able to get the IRS levy released by showing an undue hardship to your employees. Many times, the IRS will release enough money to at least ensure that you can pay your employees.
DO NOT ALLOW THE IRS TO CAUSE UNDUE FINANCIAL HARDSHIP AGAINST YOU OR YOUR FAMILY! Take the steps to prevent any future garnishments today!
Option #3: Negotiate a Release of IRS levy (if Assigned to Revenue Officer)
If you have a local IRS revenue collections officer you may be able to negotiate a release of IRS levy by providing what they’re requesting and establishing a plan for resolution of the outstanding back tax liability.
Most IRS collections agents working at collection call centers do not have the authority to release an IRS levy on a “promise” to meet a deadline in the future, but a field agent typically has more discretion to make informal deals like this.
Keep in mind a Revenue Officer is assigned for the sole purpose of collecting against a debt so you need to make sure this is all handled properly to prevent any future garnishments!
Option #4: File Formal Appeals and/or Taxpayer Advocate Request
You can file a Collection Appeal Request to appeal the filing of a levy itself. These appeal hearings are supposed to be scheduled and heard within five days of filing, though that does not always happen.
You can also file a Form 911 Taxpayer Advocate Request to ask that the Taxpayer Advocate Office intervene on your behalf. The Taxpayer Advocate does not have the authority to release a levy themselves, they can only speak with Collections at your request.
While either of these options may ultimately prove successful, both usually take several weeks to reach a resolution. Typically it is much quicker just to work something out with the Collection Division.
Download Our Free Levy Release Guide For a Detailed Review of These Options:
1. Find out the exact difference between a lien, levy, and wage garnishment.
2. We explain why the government chooses to pursue these actions against you and what you can do.
3. Common questions, including: "Which levies are one-time and which ones are continuous?" are answered.
4. We guide you to relief, explaining the process to releasing your lien, levy, and wage garnishment.
Your Next Steps
Give us a call at (866) 573-3755 today to talk to someone safe about your situation.
We can have a quick chat on the phone so I can answer your questions and see if there is any way we can help you.
If you'd rather, click here to request a free consultation.
There is no risk and no obligation. We can really simplify this entire process for you!